Start-up/spin off companies of young researchers

Beneficiary of the grant: Green Energy Pal Limited Liability Company for computer activities and services
Project name: Green Energy Pal
Project code: NPOO.C3.2.R2-I1.04.0002
Project description:
Achieving energy efficiency, the green transition and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are key goals for the EU and national governments that want to ensure a sustainable future for the population. However, inefficient use of energy is also very expensive, and the global energy crisis has further worsened the situation, putting numerous companies and citizens at risk of energy poverty. Spin-off company Green Energy Pal has developed an innovative solution “Enpulse” for smart management of electricity consumption, using modern web technologies and advanced artificial intelligence algorithms. The solution is already in the prototype phase, and the goal of the project is to complete the development, test it and demonstrate it to potential users. In addition, the team will undergo a series of trainings to prepare for the commercialization of the new product that will be protected at the EUIPO. The team’s vision is a world in which the processes of production, consumption and exchange of green energy are simple, efficient and without negative impact on the environment.
A1) CONDUCTING RESEARCH: Upgrading the technological solution to TRL-8
A2) RESEARCH CONDUCT: Testing and demonstration of the developed solution
A3) TRAINING young researchers to work in entrepreneurship
A4) KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: Market analysis, IP protection
Goals and expected results of the project:
Increasing the success of the GEP company, increasing the development potential and growth of work productivity, and through increasing the capacity for the development of innovative software and hardware solutions of top performance, with significant added value that it creates for its users and target groups. Likewise, achieving the results of the project will contribute to the development of new innovative solutions, and thus to the competitiveness of the company, which in its business is focused on innovative products and services with high added value. GEP’s goal is for Enpulse to become a tool that will increase the energy literacy of end customers and thereby influence global energy efficiency.
The expected results of the project are:
– Enpulse power consumption management product developed up to TRL-8;
– Conducted education to increase the capacity of researchers to work in industry;
– Developed a development plan up to TRL-9, as well as a commercialization plan;
– Submitted EUIPO application for the protection of the “Enpulse” trademark at the EU level;
The team participated in fairs with the aim of promoting the product.
Total project value: 213.284,87 EUR
EU co-financing of the project: 198.358,78 EUR
Project implementation period: 30.4.2024. – 30.6.2026.
Contact person: Ivan Sudić
Telephone: +385918821281
Email address:
For more information about the EU Call from which the project was financed, visit the page:
The expressions used in the text for persons in the masculine gender are neutral and refer to both male and female persons.
Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.