
Supplier price comparison tool

Do electricity buyers have a choice?

Market liberalization offered households and businesses the possibility to choose between different electricity suppliers. Regardless of the choice, the end user will receive the same final “product” – electricity, but at different prices or tariffs. Depending on the quantity, consumption profile and other peculiarities, a different supplier may be more attractive in price to different end users. The Croatian market is still quite underdeveloped compared to other Western European countries, and in the vast majority of cases, for households and small businesses, it is most profitable to be a client of HEP Elektra. However, other suppliers are also active, and it is only a matter of time before a stronger price battle for the acquisition of new users will begin.

Tariffs for households and small businesses are usually publicly available and published on the websites of individual suppliers. Also, the current law on the electricity market defines that tools for comparing tariffs from suppliers for households and small businesses must become publicly available. It is for this reason that we have created a free product we call Enpare for households and small businesses. The name Enpare comes from the English words energy compare, which means energy comparison, because this tool enables the comparison of energy prices of different suppliers for households and small businesses.

The following text will explain how the final price of your bill for used electricity is formed, and GEP offers you a free Enpare tool for comparing the prices of different suppliers at current prices. The information provided here is primarily focused on households, but the same principle applies to small businesses. Enpare for households and small businesses can be found ib this link or by pressing the button below the website title.

Components of the electricity bill

Electricity bills consist of several items that can be classified into three basic groups according to the entity to which we are obligated to settle the stated obligation. It is important to point out that by changing the supplier, the end user can influence the price of delivered electricity and other fees paid to the supplier, while the other two groups are identical for all customers of the same category. You can find out more about each invoice item here. Below is the classification:

Electricity supplier

  • Active energy [€/kWh]
    • Single tariff system
    • Two-tariff system
  • Fee for the billing metering point [Monthly amount in €]


  • Active energy [€/kWh]
    • Single tariff system
    • Two-tariff system
  • Peak power during the higher tariff [€/kW]
  • Excessive reactive energy [€/kVArh]
  • Fee for the billing metering point [Monthly amount in €]

Taxes and levies

  • Excise duties on electricity
  • Fee for renewable energy sources
  • Solidarity fee

Comparison of price calculations on the example of a household

For the purpose of comparing the price of electricity for households from different suppliers, we will use 5 different cases of annual electricity consumption, with the fact that for each case the price will be shown for the single-tariff (Blue) model (high and low-tariff energy combined) and two-tariff (White ) model (we distinguish between high and low tariffs). You can read more about different tariffs at this link.

CaseHigher tariff [kWh]Lower tariff [kWh]

HEP Elektra7.875,308.923,972.458,093.561,193.088,293.561,193.718,493.561,19
HEP – Opskrba7.875,308.923,972.458,093.561,193.088,293.561,193.718,493.561,19
E.ON Hrvatska8.139,729.188,392.722,513.825,613.352,713.825,613.982,913.825,61
GEN-I Hrvatska8.305,959.327,462.730,083.840,873.376,443.840,874.022,803.840,87

Cases 2 and 4 clearly show how, depending on the consumption profile and the selection of the correct tariff model, the user can achieve significant savings. Namely, in both cases the same amount of electricity was consumed (3,000 kWh), the cases differ in the ratio of energy utilization in high and low tariffs and in the selection of the tariff model. It is precisely in such and similar doubts that GEP can provide analysis and advice in order to save money and the environment at the same time.